
Respiratory App

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Respiratory App

Respiratory Illnesses


An audio example of Pertussis, Whooping cough

Some other symptoms include face discoloration, runny nose, sneezing, and fever



An audio example of Croup, Barking cough

Other symptoms include fever,labored breathing, and a hoarseness.
Cough is usually worse at night



An audio example of Bronchiolitis

Other symptoms include those similar in a cold, but also a worsening in the cough and a hard time breathing.

An audio example of a wheezing cough, common sign of asthma

Other symptoms include chest pain, tightness in the chest, and shortness of or trouble breathing.

An audio example of a dry cough,commonly caused by a cold or flu

Other symptoms include a sore throat, congestion, and a minor fever.



Respiratory App

Enterovirus D68

Enterovirus D68 resembles the other enteroviruses in the way it attacks the human body,but differs in the
later symptoms as the virus progresses.

Symptoms to look out for: The beginning symptoms resemble those of a common cold or flu like a runny nose,cough ,sore throat ,or fever. The more serious symptoms arise as the virus continues to progress and can result in a severe wheezing cough and difficulty breathing. There have also been cases where individuals infected with the virus have suffered paralysis. Infants, Children and young adults are the most at risk.

Treatment: There is no treatment or vaccine for the enterovirus 68, but the symptoms can be treated like the common cold using over the counter the medications or prescription medications to relieve the symptoms ,and doesn't require hospitalization if the symptoms do not progress to a serious level. However, if the infected individual begins to have breathing complications, it would be best to seek hospital treatment immediately especially if the individual has underlying respiratory conditions like asthma.

Prevention Tips: The enterovirus 68 is passed on to another person the same way a cold would be passed on. The best way to prevent your children and yourself from the virus would be to practice good hygiene to protect the body from germs. Requently washing hands, avoiding contact with those displaying symptoms, and boosting your immune system can help reduce the chances of getting the virus. If you or your child are displaying symptoms then it would be best to avoid contact with others or keep your child away from other children to prevent the virus from spreading.

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